Leave me alone, you don’t understand me! It’s too hard, I’m just going to lay on my bed and cry my eyes out.
This is the kind of message I get whenever I listen to angst rock.
Angst rock consists of your Linkin Parks, Drowning Pools and your Disturbeds.
Apparently, life is so impossible that all we should do is scream about how difficult it is to grow up in the richest country in the world, with all the amenities one could desire.
Angst rock sounds like the kind of music pissed-off teens listen to when their parents tell them they can’t use the car for the night.
Or better yet they have to do the dishes instead of watching brain-dumbing MTV.
What was so difficult about high school? Did you try so hard and get so far but in the end realize it didn’t matter?
It’s not so different from what you do in college. Think about what you do as a college student.
You try so hard to get laid, because we all know students at the University are not trying so hard on their school work.
Did you get so far, as in building your one night beer record to over 20 cans? And now in the end, you realize it didn’t really matter because you have to do it all over again the next weekend?
This must be emotionally and intellectually satisfying music. I don’t think I am “deep” enough to understand angst rock, and I am glad.
In fact, I find it to be boring, backwards, and played the hell out. I would almost rather listen to country music than angst rock. I said almost, don’t get excited Tim McGraw fans. And if you happen to be a fan of both genres, what a sick and twisted life you lead.
I think the problem with me is I don’t understand the intricacies of songs such as “Entrails Ripped From a Virgin’s (expletive)” (Cannibal Corpse) or Evanescence’s obsession with death (see “Tourniquet”, “My Last Breath”).
However, I am very curious as to why all of these bands have the most tortured psyches on the face of the earth.
Nasty cavity? Hang nail? Leave a red shirt in with your whites? No toilet paper left in the bathroom? OK, that last one is a serious problem, I shouldn’t joke about it.
However, after doing an extensive study of angst rock and the angst rock drones (angst rock fans) I came to a conclusion.
These drones are not mindless or emotionally damaged, at least more than the rest of us. They are just experiencing “LIFE.”
It is really hard to fault them for feeling down, although I do fault them for their poor choice in music.
Yet, these bands take sorrow to an exaggerated climax. Just like the first time with a girl and she said it you were good, but you know she was just faking it.
However, if I ever did feel the urge to cry from the pain of everyday life, I would watch a Vin Diesel movie or break my X-box, and just before Halo 2 comes out…
But most of the students at the University have more good experiences going on in their lives than bad.
They are getting an education and after graduation can look forward to a decent paying job. There are plenty of good looking and promiscuous 18-year-olds looking for fun. Weekends are a non-stop party.
So I say do what the top dog on campus is doing and try to have some fun. It will prevent the snot and tear stains on your pillow case.