A zoning code in Bowling Green prevents more than three unrelated people from living together, but recently landlords Anthony Wulff, Douglas Cheetwood and John Frobose were found in violation of the law. They were not the first. For the past several years, people have been caught trying to get away with extra roommates.
September 2004: 128 Manville Ave. 129 Manville Ave. 1245 Clough St. 327 East Merry St. 332 Bentwood Lane 341 Bentwood Lane 622 East Wooster St. 1460 Scott Hamilton Ave.
October 2005: 18850 E Bagley Rd. 270 S Enterprise St.
February 2006: 341 Bentwood Lane
April 2006: 123 Williams St.
August 2006: 333 Lehman Ave. 8728 Big Cypress Circle 3135 Hidden Ridge 123 Williams St.
September to October 2006: 247 South Summit St. 12728 Greensburg Pike