Bicycling isn’t just a way to get to class for BG Cycles.
BG Cycles is a group that gets to together to ride their bikes and make the campus more aware of bicycling and bicycle safety issues.
Sean Morrissey, vice-president of BG Cycles, wants students and local residents to view bicycling as not just a way of getting from point A to point B.
‘Bikes are important not only for transportation but also as a recreational lifestyle,’ Morrissey said.
According to Nathan Miller, president of BG Cycles, the group’s mission is to inform students and the community about bicycling.
‘Our main goal is to promote cycling awareness on campus and in the community,’ Miller said.
The group has many ideas on how to raise cycling awareness.
‘We want to start reaching out to the community. We are working on a pamphlet to hand out at Campus Fest and on getting a table in the Union,’ Miller said. ‘We would also like to do lectures in the near future about bicycle safety.’
They have some ideas on how to improve the local bicycling community as well.
‘Some future goals are to provide refurbished bikes to the BG community and to provide better bike racks,’ Miller said.
BG Cycles was formed last January and is made up of 10 student members and five community members.
The group meets at 8:30 p.m. every second and fourth Tuesday of each month at the United Christian Fellowship on 313 Thurstin Ave.
‘It’s a time to discuss issues about bikes and a good time to meet cyclists in the area,’ Miller said.
In addition to the regular meetings, BG Cycles joins weekly for a group ride through town.
‘On Thursdays, we go on casual rides throughout the city,’ Morrissey said. ‘We meet at the post office at 7 p.m.’
Last Spring, BG Cycles did bicycle tune-ups around campus. In the future the group would like to plan extended trips.
‘We would like to make a long trip to some local state parks on a to-be-determined weekend in September,’ Miller said.
The group is looking to increase their numbers by recruiting students, staff, faculty and community members.