Really Simple Syndication, sometimes called Rich Site Summary, is based on the eXtensible Markup Language (XML), and lets you download headlines and article summaries from your favorite news Web sites to be displayed on your computer. You will need a program called an RSS news reader or aggregator to view the news feeds. The RSS feed from is free for the general public to use. You may also include headlines and article summaries on your Web site by subscribing to our XML news feed for free.
RSS feeds from
Our RSS feed is available for personal use and other commercial and non-profit Web sites for free. Our feed URL is This URL can be entered into an RSS Reader (more on those below) and the content will be delivered to your computer automatically.
RSS Readers/Aggregators
These programs come in many forms. Most look and work similar to many popular e-mail programs like Outlook Express or Netscape Messenger, and allow you to subscribe, unsubscribe, organize and view RSS feeds. Some web browsers now allow you to view RSS feeds, such as Firefox, OmniWeb, and Safari. Below is a list of RSS Readers, many of which are available for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh computers:
NetNewsWire Feedreader SharpReader Beaver Blogstreet Info Aggregator a Web-based service that utilizes your favorite e-mail program, like Outlook Express or Netscape Messenger. Or, do a search at for “RSS reader”
These programs are free for personal use and require minimal registration.
Processing RSS with Server-side scripts
Using RSS News Feeds A tutorial on how to write an RSS feed script in the Perl scripting language. PHP RSS Aggregator Script A free script that takes RSS feed URLs out of a database and performs some error checking before writing the headlines and links.PHP and XML: Parsing RSS 1.0 Another tutorial on creating a PHP script to process and XML RSS feed.
You don’t have to stop at Most popular news sites now offer RSS feeds for free. Now you can have all the news you want piped directly to your computer or Web site 24 hours-a-day. CNN: Eat your heart out 🙂
And as always, if you have any questions, e-mail the staff: webmaster’#64; Please also see our Article Syndication page for more information specific to our feed.