Kudos to the University. We at the BG News would like to extend a big thank you to BGSU administrators for canceling classes yesterday.
Biting winds and sub-zero temperatures along with the piles of snow and unsafe roads really made for a rough day in the neighborhood.
Accidents were rampant on Interstate 75, making it impossible for commuter students to get to class. Here on campus, several buildings were left without water in the early morning hours.
Going to class was already not an option for so many people that we’re glad the University finally made this decision.
We know the University has gotten some criticism from students over the past few weeks for not cancelling class in the face of temperatures pushing 25 below zero.
While it certainly would have been nice to not have to brave frostbite to walk to class, we’re very happy to be able to stay inside and warm during this level two snow emergency.