In the past, when Disney made a 2-D animation film, the audience wasn’t always as widespread as it could have been. It seems to be more profitable for Disney when they produce live-action films like “Pirates of the Caribbean.” In order to change things up and target their age old message to an ageless audience, it is going to take some serious send-ups that poke fun at the distinguished format of some favorite Disney classics.
“Enchanted” is Disney’s newest experiment in expanding their audience. A story about a fairy-tale princess may not be as marketable to most older audiences, but when a spell is cast upon her and she is thrown into the middle of New York City, the tale becomes much more interesting. When this fairy tale meets the real world it opens up a whirl-wind of endless humor that rests on the films of the past. Without some of the most delightful characters and performances Disney has ever offered, none of this would have been possible.
If it doesn’t catch the fancy of the adults who remember growing up with a Disney education, at least “Enchanted” garners the entire viewing community of ABC’s “Grey’s Anatomy.” With “Grey’s Anatomy” star Patrick Dempsey playing the unlikely, but McDreamy hero, “Enchanted” elegantly dreams up an outstanding cast. Even though James Marsden is terrific as the self-indulgent Prince Charming archetype, the performance is only a compliment to the spell-binding performance by Amy Adams as this story’s princess. Adams delivers a performance that is nothing less than perfect as you believe she came straight from the pages of a storybook.
It has never been easier for a film to deliver the familiar Disney formula. With humor for just about everyone in the family, “Enchanted” casts a spell on this holiday season as one of the most widely-entertaining and cleverly constructed movies that isn’t afraid to poke fun at its own roots. On top of it all, the characters do more than enchant; they capture our hearts.
Three stars out of four
Letter Grade: B
Rated PG for some scary images and mild innuendo.
Runtime: 107 min.
Starring Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, and Susan Sarandon
Directed by Kevin Lima