Bipartisan politics aren’t bad. They’re actually great. In fact, such a political party system allows us, the common folk of America, to see the other side of politics for what it is.
Depending on which side you align with, that is.
From point-of-view A, those liberals are a bunch of pinko commies who blatantly seek to erode the core of the Union by doing things like providing healthcare for everyone and fighting for people’s natural rights, destroying any future chances at national unity.
Put simply, they hate America.
And from point-of-view B, it is apparent that those filthy, stuck-in-their-ways zealot-like conservatives enjoy doing nothing more than complaining about “liberal media bias” all day long while sitting on top of their laurels to boost their already massive gold-lined bank accounts, doing nothing to save our nation from its current problems.
Just like the liberals, conservatives also hate America and all it stands for.
And forget about those loser independent voters. They’re just too apathetic about politics to pick a side. They hate America more than the liberals and conservatives do!
The bipartisan system currently in place in America allows all of us, regardless of political alignment, to see the “other side” for what it truly is: a bunch of perpetually incorrect America haters.
But here’s the one that really takes the cake: how did all these vehemently anti-American sickos get into political office in the first place? You’d think this nation is really messed up if it allows such traitors to find their ways into office.
By now you surely detect my sarcasm. If you found my early statements offensive and untrue, that was exactly the point.
Those greatly generalized and propaganda-flavored statements represent all-too-common political stereotypes, which we as Americans, use to demonize the political parties with which we do not agree.
Put bluntly, bipartisan politics has the incredible power to polarize voters and give each side the idea that it is the last bastion of truth, facing off in a war of political righteousness against those “morons on the other side.” Who are all wrong, by the way – they’re always wrong.
With such a divisive party system here in America, it’s all too obvious (and too easy to believe) the other side is always wrong.
As U.S. consumers and citizens, we are bombarded with politically biased information and opinions from friends, family members, advertisements and the conservative/liberal media. All of it helps widen the gap between the left and right.
If you want some proof of just how wrong the other side truly is, check CNN and Fox News, or go listen to Rush Limbaugh and President Obama, or read the “New York Times” and “The American Conservative.”
That’ll give you some ammunition to use in your verbal battles against the politically misinformed and ignorant – which is whatever side you don’t agree with. It always has been, and it seems like it always will be.
For those who have been raised in liberal households or exposed to predominantly left-leaning political views, the conservative right can appear to be a hulking behemoth of moral and social complacency with an insatiable appetite for money and power.
And for the right-leaning, the liberals take form by embodying all which is wrong with America today, such as insufficient firearms rights, weakness in combating militant religious extremists and the desire to ritually sacrifice unborn babies.
Here in the “land of the free,” politics (local, state and federal) live or die according to whether or not a bunch of politically-polarized politicians agree or disagree with each other.
The problem is the polarization.
Although each party has its own obviously evident agenda, it’s important for Americans all over the states to see the obvious flaws in the bipartisan political system for what they are.
It’s not so much that the bipartisan system is bad, but it gets used in extremely manipulative ways to effectively polarize citizens and turn them against each other, solidifying the power base of each political party with a steady supply of hardcore voters.
I find it important to address this issue in this paper, as I’ve read quite a few columns lately which employ the same such divisive techniques used by the bipartisan system to polarize people.
I will quite plainly admit that I have been guilty of including left-wing sentiments in my columns in the past – and I still do, occasionally – but it is vital for us to realize the obvious problems with using the words “liberal” and “conservative” as expletives.
Such polarization will only help rip our nation apart on the citizen level, while strengthening each national political party a great deal in return. That’s what the bipartisan system does, after all. It divides people to make the governing bodies in the argument, the parties, stronger.
I sure don’t want an American future of mighty political parties and powerless citizens – how about you?