President Carol Cartwright has received student support from USG, but student support for the Stroh Center will wait until next week’s meeting.
USG unanimously voted to show their support for the recently installed president of the University at their meeting last night.
Reasons in the resolution to support Cartwright included her experience as president at Kent State University, their confidence in her as president and her ability to meet the expectations set for Ohio universities by Chancellor Eric Fingerhut.
Last night also marked the first reading of a resolution to show student support for the Stroh Center and a $50 student fee that would go towards paying off the mortgage for the building once the facility is completed.
The completion of the facility is expected around 2011 or 2012.
An additional $10 student fee going towards improved parking on campus is included in the resolution.
The importance of senators talking to their constituencies before voting was stressed by many members of USG, including off-campus senator Molly Albertson.
‘I think it is the job of Undergraduate Student Government to go out there and talk to your constituencies,’ Albertson said. ‘How can we vote for [the students] if you don’t know what they are thinking,’ Albertson said.
Rob Emmelhainz, organization liaison committee chair, personally supports the resolution, but wants the senators to gauge campus support.
‘If we are speaking for the student body we need to talk to the students,’ Emmelhainz said.
Sean Lutzman, secretary, said he would like to see next week’s meeting publicized so students may attend and express their opinion on the resolution.
Starmisha Conyers-Page, minority affairs senator, questioned the Stroh Center’s ability to increase enrollment and retention among students as the resolution suggested.
Nicole Fratianne, chief of staff, said she wants the senators to realize this decision is for the University’s future and not for all the students at the meeting.
‘Anderson Arena is deteriorating anyway and they need a new facility,’ Fratianne said. ‘And regardless of what goes on in this meeting it will probably get built.’
Also, USG President John Waynick announced he will not run for re-election next year, but has already started his campaign for Bowling Green City Council representing ward one.