PDF: A Resolution that shows student support for the new Stroh Center at Bowling Green State University
University officials are looking for student approval in order to enact a $50 per semester fee going towards the Stroh Center, but exactly what kind of approval is needed has been up for debate.
As opposed to academic buildings, all student fees for general-use buildings require an indication of student support, which the University has received before for the Union and the Field House.
At the very least, an endorsement by the Undergraduate Student Government is needed to prove student support, said Rob Evans, administrative assistant in communications for the Ohio Board of Regents.
‘An indication of support of the student government is the minimum we would expect,’ Evans said. ‘Ideally, we prefer to have an indication of support through a student poll.’
If USG endorses the Stroh Center student fee, then the requirement for student support will be met and the fee will be instituted, Athletic Director Greg Christopher said.
USG will be voting on the resolution to endorse the Stroh Center student fee on Feb. 23, USG President John Waynick said.
The fee will take effect upon the opening of the Stroh Center, which is expected to be completed by 2011 or 2012, Christopher said. The fee will be in effect for 10-15 years to pay the mortgage, he said.
There has been some opposition in USG over the fee, but it has mostly been over the idea that this money could go to better use, said Waynick, who supports the resolution.
Since $12.9 million in private donations have already been made to the University for this estimated $36 million project, Waynick said the money being raised couldn’t go towards any other projects.
‘If the resolution doesn’t pass it is like saying ‘Thanks, but no thanks’ to the donors,’ Waynick said. ‘I know it is tough in these economic times, but $50 a semester is not a lot to ask for.’
Starmisha Conyers-Page, USG Minority Affairs Senator, said she understands this money has been donated for this specific project, but the money could be spent on more important projects, such as an Ethnic Student Center or fixing potholes.
‘I feel the University should focus more on needs than wants,’ Conyers-Page said. ‘I understand the $8 million is a donation and that there has been a plan for an athletics building and convocation center. And I agree that we need those things, but there are more pressing needs.’
Feelings within USG and the student population Conyers-Page represents are mixed on the issue, she said.
Some reasons to endorse the fee stated in the resolution include the University’s need for not only an athletic facility, but a center for concerts, commencement and other events, as well as the center’s potential as a recruitment and retention tool for students.
Senior Justin Cioppa won’t be a student once the Stroh Center is complete, but said he thinks all students should have the opportunity to decide if the fee is instituted.
‘[The $50 fee] is reasonable for a basketball arena, but I wouldn’t want to be charged,’ Cioppa said. ‘I’ve given this school enough money.’