It usually takes several years of paying your dues before a college graduate can become part of a Fortune 500 company, but the Disney College Program offers a shortcut.
Each semester, the Disney College Program brings in 5,500 students from around the nation, in hopes of adding quality members to the Disney team.
Will Scott, a senior public relations major, interned in the Walt Disney World College Program and now works as a BGSU Campus Representative for Disney,.
Scott found out about the program through a fraternity brother who suggested he attend a recruiting session.
“It blew me away when I sat through it,” he said. “All the opportunities it gave, the networking and everything like that.”
Scott was one of many, who were intrigued by the idea of spending a semester with Disney.
Teddy George, a senior Interpersonal Communications major, interned for Disney as a sophomore and now works as a campus representative for the company.
“I really recommend it to anyone,” George said. “Just having Disney on your resume adds a lot of credibility.”
George has already secured a job after graduation, which he believes is largely due to the experience he gained in the Disney College Program.
The opportunities do not end there. Disney encourages the majority of those who attend the college program, to follow up after school by becoming a professional intern.
Bowling Green alumnus, Brent Petkus, was in the Disney College Program last Spring. He kept on the Disney path by working as a professional intern, once he graduated from BGSU in December.
“For a professional intern, their hope is that you know the company more, beginning on the business side and then you extend on into Disney,” Petkus said.
Scott worked as a merchandising host at the theme park and said he learned a lot from the experience.
“I definitely learned how to build a resume and how to network with people in my field,” Scott said. “” I also worked on my communication skills and learned about marketing myself as a brand.”
Students interested in the program can learn more by attending the recruiting sessions in early March.
Scott urges students to take a further look at the Disney program.
“Go to the sessions and see what we all have to offer,” Scott said. “You’ll meet people while you’re down there, you’ll feel closer to the experience and then you’ll learn to love it.”