Concern about illegal yard waste dumping at the yard waste site was expressed by Mayor John Quinn at Monday night’s City Council meeting.
After only two weeks of the yard waste site being re-opened, City officials are already investigating an incident of the illegal dumping of brush that occurred after the yard site closed April 13.
The yard waste site located on Poe Road is a place where residents can drop off their green waste, such as grass, yard clippings and leaves. The site recently re-opened because the pick-up of yard waste was eliminated after the 0.08 percent tax increase was not passed in the November election and cost cuts in the city had to be made.
“If there is anyone on council or a municipal administrator that would like to address the negative abuse of the yard waste site, it would be appreciated,” Quinn said. “I know there have been more than a couple instances where this had become a problem. We have a picture on the city’s website if you would like to look at what is happening.”
Strictly “green waste” only is allowed to be dropped off at this site. Brush is prohibited, and is identified as anything with tree bark or hedge clippings, according to the city’s website.
Brian Craft addressed the issue of illegal yard waste dumping, noting that a specific vehicle had been spotted doing so last Tuesday around 8:20 p.m., after the site was closed.
“We currently have a video of the vehicle, a teal truck with its headlights turned off on YouTube,” he said. “The yard waste site is under camera surveillance, and the vehicle spotted dumping the brush was dropping it off, in some places under the sign that reads ‘no brush.’ The name of the YouTube video is titled April-13-2010.avi if anyone would like to take a look at it.
“We ask that residents help in identifying those who illegally placed the items on April 13,” he said. “If anyone sees this truck it is important that they take down the license number and call the Bowling Green Police Department to report it.”
According to Craft, the yard waste site was used frequently by residents the first week of being re-opened, but it had become less busy during its second weekend, assuming because of the colder weather.
Craft asked citizens to cooperate with the rules and regulations of using the yard waste site since the site was re-opened for the people’s benefit. While the collection of brush for all eligible residents is under debate and will be discussed by council members in the upcoming weeks, it is important residents abide by the rules of the yard waste site so no more problems occur before a solution on the issue is put into place.