What inspired you to become a Morale Captain?
During my freshman year of Dance Marathon my morale captains were so passionate about dance marathon and really helped me get through those 24 hours of being on my feet by pumping me up, offering to buy coffee to help me stay awake and giving me tips to make my feet hurt less. After seeing how passionate they all were about Dance Marathon, I knew that one day I wanted to be that for someone else.
What goals do you have for ZiggyThon?
A personal goal I have set for myself is to finally reach the comma club this year. I also just want to spread the word more about Dance Marathon. It seems like people have the wrong image of what Dance Marathon is, and I just want everyone to be able to see how amazing this philanthropy is and all the miracles we help make happen throughout the year.
What are you most excited about for this year’s Dance Marathon program?
I am excited about being a Morale Captain in general; I am excited for the line dance and being able to call 19 other people my family. I am also excited that I have the opportunity to represent Dance Marathon in a way that no one else can.
Do you have any words of advice for someone looking to join ZiggyThon?
I definitely think that Dance Marathon is something someone should do at least once during their time at BGSU. I remember my freshman year I almost backed out from doing it, but Dance Marathon is one of the best things that I have done here at BGSU. Twenty-four hours seems like an impossible time to be standing and awake, but it goes by so fast that you are wanting the time to actually slow down. You may be exhausted and your legs hurt, but when you really think about it, you get to go back home and take a shower and sleep. Your pain will go away, but the kids we are raising money for have to go through some things that are worse than that on a daily basis; seeing that the miracle children are still able to have smiles on their faces and they are so energetic is inspiring and really puts your troubles and worries into perspective.