Grade: B
“Detective Comics #4” finds Batman held captive by the mysterious Dollmaker and forced to fight thugs dressed as the Joker.
Batman is on the chopping block as the highest bidder will win his corpse as a trophy, and in this case that highest bidder is none other than the Penguin.
However, we know the cunning of Batman; he frees himself and is able to save Commissioner Gordon from almost certain death at the hands of one of the Dollmaker’s thugs. But even though the Commissioner is saved, the Dollmaker manages to escape in a Police-disguised helicopter.
We find ourselves four issues into a completely new Batman universe, and already we have two of Batman’s greatest villains playing major roles in the storyline, those being the Joker and Penguin. It’s often a bold undertaking introducing a new villain in any comic book, especially Batman, but I think the inclusion of some familiar faces makes for a more intriguing and action packed adventure.
This issue is the most action packed in “Detective Comics” so far. The series provides a grittier art style than the self titled “Batman” series does, but the way in which Tony S. Daniel has written and also, literally, drawn out the comics fits well with the story, allowing the art to reflect the gruesome acts carried out by the Dollmaker.
So far it’s been a really exciting storyline with its interesting twists and turns, and I can’t wait for next month’s issue to see what new obstacles lie in Batman’s way.
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