Undergraduate Student Government executive officers gave important updates, four new senators and officers were sworn in and USG was visited by Director of the Wellness Connection Faith DeNardo on Monday evening.
Executive updates from USG President Amanda Dortch included a vote occurring this week by the University Council concerning the structuring of General Studies Writing. If the initiative passes, GSW would essentially be merged with the English department.
“It would no longer be General Studies Writing course…there would be no more 1110 or 1120, it would all be under the Department of English,” Dortch said.
The vote occurs this week, and updates on the initiative will follow if it passes.
Dortch also offered a point of clarification about the upcoming Hunter Hayes concert.The concert has been planned by the Stroh Center, but students can expect a spring concert to be put on by the University Activities Organization. The Stroh Center has only recently been doing its own programming.
Dortch also spoke briefly about Presidents United to Stop Hunger, an initiative that President Mazey has signed. Dortch is interested in pursuing options to create a food pantry or a way for off campus students who cannot afford on-campus prices for food to get food.
An officer also informed the body about the upcoming CAACURH conference. CAACURH – Central Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls – annually hosts a leadership conference attended by on campus students. Any student who lives on campus is eligible to attend the conference. This year, the conference is being held at Temple University from Nov. 3 through Nov. 6. The application can be found on Resident Student Association’s Orgsync page, and it closes on Sept. 25.
During her presentation, DeNardo emphasized the importance of time management and sufficient sleep for University students, who are often balancing a busy academic, extracurricular and social life. Eight hours of sleep is a good target, but every person needs a different amount of sleep to function best, she said.
Two Peer Educators from the Wellness Connection also spoke at USG. The Peer Educator position is a great way to get involved on campus and become more knowledgeable about health and wellness, they said.
The Wellness Connection offers numerous resources for students, including free HIV testing on the first and third Wednesday of each month; the testing is done by an outside agency not affiliated with the University. Students are also encouraged to be tested for other sexually transmitted diseases at the Falcon Health Center.
The Wellness Connection office is located on the main floor of the Student Recreation Center. Students and organizations can request presentations from the Wellness Connection online.
USG Speaker Nadia Oehler addressed the body about senator reports – a responsibility of all USG senators. Senators are expected to submit a monthly report about their initiatives and goals as members and representatives of USG.
Oehler also informed the body about the upcoming visit of Vice President of Student Affairs Thomas Gibson on Oct. 3. USG members will be able to ask Gibson questions pertaining to student affairs.