You’re sleeping, then you hear an alarm sounding in the hallway and you have to exit the building. This has been a habitual occurrence, especially in past years with students pulling fire alarms as a joke.
John Curlis, Fire Safety Officer for the University wants students to know this kind of behavior is not at all funny and it can have serious effects on students as well as people on the roadways when the safety vehicles are called out.
“There have been cases at other universities across the country where students have been injured or even killed because there had been a number of alarms pulled and they chose to ignore the one that happened to be a real fire,” Curlis said.
Curlis expressed his concern for students as well as community members, saying that every time a fire alarm is pulled we take needed police officers and firefighters out of service to bring them over to the University.
“The fire department not only has the University to protect, but they have the whole city of Bowling Green to protect,” Curlis said. Brian Bickley, a Resident Advisor in Kohl Hall expressed his concern with people who pull prank fire alarms.
“They really get old after a while,” Bickley said.
He said that even if a false alarm is pulled they still have to treat it as if it were a real fire.
Faith Berry, another Resident Advisor in Kohl Hall also stated that prank fire alarms are a pain, even though there has only been one so far in Kohl this year.
“It’s hard as an RA because you know the irritation of being a student in this situation so you empathize with them but on the same hand you have to do your job,” Berry said.
Pulled of alarms not only cost the University money and time but it also wears on the firefighters who have to respond to the call. Scott Eschedor, a firefighter/EMT for the Bowling Green Fire Department said that it becomes tiring to the firefighters after they have to respond to call after call.
“After we have been up all night we start to lose the mental edge and physical edge and if prank alarms are constantly being pulled then it starts to become like the boy who cried wolf,” Eschedor said. “Although we will always respond to a fire alarm.”
Tony Dotson of the BGSU Police Department said that students who are caught pulling prank alarms will be prosecuted through the University.
“We take fire alarms very seriously,” Dotson said. “It’s not appreciated in the least and students’ lives are at jeopardy.” Both Dotson and Curlis expressed the concern that students need to take fire alarms more seriously because of the injuries and possible deaths that could come out of someone being intolerable and pulling an alarm.
Curlis mentioned some things that students could do in order to keep safety in the building and keep things under control.
“Every resident in the building can help by keeping his/her eyes and ears open,” Curlis said. “If you see anyone messing around with fire equipment report it to a police or hall director immediately.”