Last night the Lenhart Grand Ballroom was jammed full of people waiting in anticipation for a evening of laughter.
D.L. Hughley, a comedian and actor who is well known for his “Original Kings of Comedy” acts, as well as other significant performances, lit up the stage in the ballroom with humor that kept the crowd gasping for air.
Hughley’s stand up act consists of everything from “Politics to Pussy” he said.
“The world fuels my views and my acts come from my views. I take the daily world and see if I can make some humor out of it” Hughley said.
Hughley did talk about everything from “Politics to Pussy” too. He cracked jokes left and right about racial profiling, growing up in a poor neighborhood and having to wear “a dish towel with a duck on it for Halloween.”
“I love speaking at colleges especially because young people are always willing to learn” Hughley said, “What amazes me even more is that people pay to hear me speak. I take everyday issues and make them humorous, that’s all I do and people come to listen to me.”
At certain points throughout the night Hughley picked on people from the crowd, humorously harassing and cracking on their majors, where they were from and the psychedelic shirts they were sporting.
He even made took a white member of the audience and made him a brother. He taught him how to talk ebonics and shorten words.
“Black people don’t have that much time to talk when being questioned by the police” Hughley said teasing the white man he had brought to the stage.
Many people in the audience enjoyed the fact that he pick on one group in general.
“He did not discriminate on just one group, he made fun of all groups as well as himself” said Brian McGhee, a junior. Hughley was very good at not being offensive;.
Jessica Heck, who was here visiting a friend said “I liked how he kept it real. I also liked how he took current events, and instead of bitching about them he added humor and enlightenment to each topic.”
Some other audience members agree that Hughley’s humor was not only real but in our everyday lives.
“I enjoyed being able to relate to what he was saying” said Chris Ruiz De Velasco, a freshman, who considers herself a stand up comic buff.
All aspect of the show provided humor and seriousness in a way that was funny but where people could also relate.
“I still get nervous when I perform” Hughley said “But you guys were great. I love performing acts at colleges.”
Opening for D.L. Hughley was a comedian by the name of Ken Leslie. His act was full of sexual humor, feminine orgasms and lots of leg humping. At one point he even lit up a cigarette on stage.
“Walking into this act I knew I was at a college” Hughley said “College’s are challenging because you have a lot of young people and you have to hit them where their at. I can’t do my club act at a college, I just got be able to let them relate to what I am talking about.”