College is a time of choices.
We choose what university to attend, what jobs to apply for, what classes we desire and what schedule works best for us. We are asked to choose our major and consecutively our future occupation.
Except for those who live off-campus and with their parents, a university campus is a place where we break free from home. Our parents aren’t looking over our shoulders telling us to do this, be there, stop that or sign here.
We are adults. We are at the age for making our own rules and priorities, learning from our own experiences and solidifying our own moral codes that we’re going to live by for the rest of our lives. Therefore, what we truly believe is reflected in our years of college, in what we choose to spend our time on.
A countless number of college students opt to sleep in instead of going to church. Some never even think about God unless He is mentioned in a classroom debate, and we are to ponder the workings of the universe for class discussion.
If you were only a Sunday churchgoer growing up because it was expected of you, then that halfhearted apathy is reflected when you’re on your own —- by not making church and God a priority. We aren’t accountable to anyone but ourselves here. We are adults now and we will make our own choice whether to follow, think about or even talk to God.
This is our time of independence, and it is up to us to decide for ourselves if God is important enough to keep around in our lives. This decision will only be possible if we care personally about cultivating our spiritual life. No one is going to do it for us. Unlike choosing to go to a certain university or a certain profession, choosing to follow God through your college years isn’t expected of you.
In fact, you’d be breaking free from the mold of the traditional college student —- being an individual. You’d stand out from your friends. In many ways, you’d make yourself a target in times when those beliefs aren’t popular, which I can attest to.
For those of you who feel you are Christians hereditarily, because it’s what you’ve been taught all of your life: Unless you choose to believe —- your faith is less than adequate. You can’t piggy-back into heaven on Mom and Dad’s backs.
For everyone who is searching for a faith, you are presented with the same choice. You can choose to follow God. Don’t worry if you don’t know the Bible like the back of your hand or understand and know the “Christian” answer all the time. You will eventually learn the answers.
Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one gets to the Father except through me.”
It is so simple to give your life to God that it boggles my mind, but it takes help to understand this conversion process.
I must warn you, adversity follows when anyone makes the choice to honor God in their lives.
Is it worth it?
As someone who faces adversity to a certain degree, I unreservedly assure you that it is.
College is a time of choices and this is the most important choice you will ever make in your lifetime. Choosing majors, future careers, future spouses, everything is secondary to this —- nothing else will get you to heaven.
That’s what I believe. You can either label me as one of those “Puritans” or you can listen to what I, and my brothers and sisters around the world, have been saying.
Make your choice.
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