“So long farewell, auf weidersehen, goodnight. I leave and heave a sigh and say good bye –goodbyyyyyyeeeee! I’m glad … to go … I cannot tell a lie.”
Those Von Trapp children knew what they were talking about; graduating from college is a bittersweet thing. I never thought I’d say it, but I am both relieved and sad to be done with school. Actually, let me rephrase that. I’m relieved to be done with classes, but sad to be graduating and leaving college life and entering the proverbial “real world.”
Everyone told me how fast it would fly by, and yet I never really believed them. Well, believe me –it does go by fast. As I reflect on my college experience I can’t believe all of the things I’ve accomplished, and all the crazy things I’ve done.
I still have to pinch myself to believe that I went to Paris. Not only is that the best memory from my college years, but the best in my life so far.
As I leave “Big Su,” I would like to leave my tips on how to make it through the rest; heads up freshmen:
1. Learn to not care what people think about you. I may still be working on that myself, but it’s the best advice I can leave you with.
2. Be aware that the person you were entering college is not the same person you’ll be when you leave. This can be a change for better or worse, so keep this in mind when making friends and selecting roommates–they can and will turn on you. 3. Do it “because you’re in college” at least once.
4. Know that love can find you when you least expect it (I love you Brent; you have my whole heart.)
5. Get involved. My only regret from my college years is that I waited until my sophomore year to join the staff of the BG News. I have had so many great times with the wonderful group of people here and have learned so much from them. (Thanks for showing me the ropes Angela!)
6. Do let your emotions get the best of you. Laugh, cry, scream, giggle, smile, frown, love, play, rage, fear, obsess, hate, yearn, shock, relax, stress, appreciate, envy, refuse, desire, excite, concentrate, anticipate, accept, discover, wonder, hope, and above all, have fun while you’re doing it! (Love ya Cherry Mama).