The judicial branch, at both state and federal levels, is using power that it doesn’t constitutionally possess to overturn the will of the people and create legislation. We need action from Congress, and yet we have filibusters.
Several times, President Bush has addressed this issue, and is committed to appointing judges into power who realize their responsibility, that it is not honorable or just for a few people who have not been elected by the will of the people, to don long black robes and redefine and create new legislation.
However, Democrats in the Senate, led by Senator Tom Daschle, have been filibustering the president’s appointees, ‘voting not to vote.’ Our legislative branch has evolved so much partisan rifts that it has been rendered quite useless in checks and balances.
This judicial supremacy complex is a serious problem, and it needs to be corrected.
Here’s an example: 78% of people voted for traditional marriage in Louisiana, and a radical state judge threw out the results, ruling against the law and against the will of the people.
Regardless of where you stand on the issue of marriage amendments and so forth, the people in Louisiana voted the way they believed, and it was an obvious and definite majority. Except now, suddenly, our votes don’t even count.
J udges are not elected by us, and yet they have the power to push their world view onto our country, regardless of the will of the majority.
The judicial branch considers itself “a living and evolving constitution,” where they can interpret it in any way they want. They have convinced themselves that the courts determine what the constitution says.
However, according to the constitution they “uphold,” the judicial branch has been given only the power to interpret laws, Congress to make laws, and the president to enforce them.
Did you know that Thomas Jefferson was worried about the development of a self-appointed “government by a few,” that would gain judicial power and be beyond the reach of the other two branches of government?
Thanks to our current judicial system, America is truly in danger of realizing his fears, and may lose “of the people, by the people, and for the people” pretty quickly.
The checks and balances system is unbalanced, and unless we find a way to straighten it out now, it may never be corrected.
Constitutionally, Congress has been given the right and responsibility to check the courts. Congress has totally abandoned this, led by Senator Daschle and his filibusters, which makes these filibusters dangerous.
We need to rein in the courts, not appoint more liberal judges whose only agenda is to push their world view into America’s legal system.
In 1999, Senator Daschle stated, “I find it completely baffling that a senator would vote against even voting” (Congressional Record). Conveniently, his opinion is different with a Republican in the presidency.
Then again, why should Democrats want to check the courts when much of the most controversial liberal legislation has been passed by liberal judges when Congress could not?
This includes the elimination of prayer and reading the Bible in schools, abortion, partial-birth abortion, letting kids get an abortion assisted by schools without even knowledge of the parents, and even rendering the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional, where 90% of Americans were outraged, from left to right.
Obviously, Democrats in Congress are filibustering because they want liberal judges appointed. They know that judges can pass whatever they want with no threat of consequence or accountability.
It is the constitutional right of the president to appoint judges. Congress’s job is to make laws, not tear up the fabric of the constitution and render our government useless.
This is not a partisan rampage; it is me speaking out as a “non-party” voter. I don’t enjoy melodrama outside of soap operas, including both Bush’s and Kerry’s preaching against the other candidate that the world will end if the other is elected.
However, judges have overstepped their boundaries, and we need a Congress free enough from partisan complications to do their job and rein them in.
We deserve better than this. Otherwise, this election may be the last vote that matters.