George W. Bush is planning to reinstate the military draft by June 15, 2005.
Proof of Bush’s plans can be found on the Selective Service System’s Web site. The Selective Service System is the government institution requiring all male U.S. citizens to sign up at 18 in case the draft is ever reinstituted.
This year the SSS was given an extra $28 million in its budget, nearly doubling that of earlier years. If Bush had no plans to reinstate the draft, why beef up the SSS budget?
Bills waiting to be passed in the Senate and the House of Representatives would require men and women to do military service (Senate Bill 89 and House Bill 163).
Why would anyone want to fight a war in Iraq when the suicide rate among U.S. soldiers is three times higher now than it was during Vietnam?
According to Congressman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), only four out of 535 members of Congress have children who would be in danger of going to war. We all know who would be the ones first to be called to “serve their country,” right? The working-class Americans, and especially middle- and lower-class African Americans.
Why the black people? Blacks make up about 12.4 percent of this country, but an astounding 24 percent of the African American population is at poverty level, according to the U.S. Census. And we all know that if you cannot buy your way out the draft, you will have to go war or prison.
It seems pretty certain that a vote for George W. Bush might be a vote for involuntary military service for men and women between the ages of 18 and 25 without the money to “dodge” the draft. With the recent allegations by President Bush about Iran and Syria “aggressively pursuing” weapons of mass destruction, it seems Bush will thin out our military some more. Troops will be needed in the Middle East.
Now, this president sends our friends and relatives in harm’s way in a country not linked to 9/11. If Bush is re-elected, he might try to pull your card — all so he can control Middle Eastern oil and create a larger bank-roll for his friends.
Forcing anyone to do anything is wrong. Forced democracy did not work in North Korea, Vietnam, Haiti or Cuba. In fact, I can’t find where it did work.
The only wars Americans should be concerned with fighting are the wars on drugs, AIDS, poverty, unequal health care and the war for our constitutional rights. I will not fight Bush’s war for “human rights” when he won’t give me mine.