Do you agree with all of this? We doubt it. Write Us and let us know where you stand.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are to be less than 500 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on the University’s campus or the Bowling Green area.
GUEST COLUMNS are longer pieces between 600 and 800 words. These are usually, also, in response to a current issue on the University’s campus or the Bowling Green area.
Letters to the Editor and Guest Columns are printed as space on the Opinion Page permits. name, year and phone number should be included for verification purposes. Personal attacks and anonymous submissions will not be printed.
E-mail submissions as an attachment to ‘#116;’#104;’#101;’#110;’#101;’#119;’#115;’#64;’#98;’#103;’#110;’#101;’#119;’#115;’#46;’#99;’#111;’#109; with the subject lined marked ‘Letter to the Editor’ or ‘Guest Column.’ Only e-mailed letters and columns will be considered for printing. All letters are subject to review for length and clarity before printing.