When some students on campus have a confession or crush, but are too embarrassed to admit it, they have the option to voice it anonymously through the Twitter accounts, @bg_confessions and @BGcrushes.
@bg_confessions anonymously tweets things students did and @BGcrushes tweets descriptions of a student’s crush hoping they see it.
Combined, the two accounts have gained 7,000 followers, which tweet students’ thoughts that are submitted through a site called ask.fm.
@bg_confessions said in an email, “Its completely anonymous,” which is one reason students seem to be attracted to using it.
The account moderator for
@bg_confessions said that they saw Ohio University’s confession Twitter, sparking the idea to create one for students at the University to use. The moderator said they receive over 700 tweets a day, leaving it up to them to decide what to post.
@BGcrushes did not respond to interview, so it is unclear if the two accounts are affiliated with each other.
Sophomore Mandy Mazzola said the accounts are more of a joke than a confession.
“My friends and I have sent tweets to @BGcrushes, but it was about us,” Mazzola said. “We were really bored, so we sent a couple in about us, but they were never tweeted. I think everyone wants at least one to be about him or her. It feels good when a stranger says you are pretty.”
While some students believe that the tweets are true, others think that some of the confessions are fake.
“I honestly think about half of the @BG_confessions are false,” junior Mike Hetzel said. “Some stuff people put on there is ridiculous, but some stuff I can see being true.”
Hetzel said it is hard to tell the difference between real and fake tweets that people submit, which keeps him skeptical of what is being tweeted.
“‘My real name is Fat Patricia.’ That is a fake [tweet],” Hetzel said.
Another confession revealed something that Hetzel said he thinks is full of inspiration and great to read.
The tweet read: “I stopped one of my best friends from committing suicide a few years ago. He got help the next day. I’ve never told anyone #LoveYouBro”
This tweet is one Hetzel said he believes is true and an overall amazing confession.
Although some of the tweets may be fake, Hetzel still thinks the tweets are funny and entertaining to read from time to time.
“I think they’re fun and hilarious to read,” he said. “It’s definitely something to look at on Twitter if you’re bored or having a bad day.”
Since the account moderator posts the tweets as they are sent to them, some students think the tweets are seen as offensive because of how descriptive they are.
“Some of the stuff they say reflects negatively on some organizations and specific people when in reality, it may not be true at all,” Mazzola said. “They say a lot of bad things about Greek life, which is very stereotypical and there is a lot of good things that Greek life does.”
There have also been tweets about specific people that the tweets include names, which may or may not be true and may make them look bad, Mazzola said.
“I just think [the tweets] need to be more censored,” she said.
Regardless if students think the tweets are rude, offensive, fake or real,
@bg_confessions and
@BGcrushes have gained students interest by posting what people are afraid to have by their name.
“I think even if it is rude or offensive, students will still use it.” Hetzel said. “We’re all college students who still act immature at times. We like to make others laugh at the most idiotic things.”