The Movie Series program shows free movies for students every other Tuesday night in the Union.
It is a continuing program put on by the University Activities Organization [UAO].
The movies are completely free, located in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union Theater and also come with free refreshments.
Rachel Davis, the co-director for the Movie Series program, is in charge of planning the events.
“We try to bring in movies that are new or haven’t come to DVD yet so that students have something fun to do,” Davis said.
The Movie Series has already shown four movies so far. It showed “Maleficent” on Sep. 9, “X-men: Days of Future Past” and “A Fault in our Stars” during Family Weekend and, “22 Jump Street” on Sep. 23.
The next movie the series will play will be “Wish I Was Here” on Oct. 7 followed by “Friday the 13th” on Oct. 21.
The Movie Series has been a fairly popular program in the past.
“We usually get around 100 to 150 students,” Davis said, “By far our most popular movie was when we show ‘Catching Fire’; we filled the theater twice.”
The movie selection for the program isn’t entirely based on popular demand though. “We do a poll at the end of every fall and spring semester, but we also have to decide based on what’s available and at what price,” Davis said.
Cameron Stewart, a junior criminal justice major, has been to a few movies with the UAO.
“It’s a great way to get people out of their rooms and into a public place where they can meet new people,” Stewart said.
Kayla Martin, a junior education major, said “It’s nice to have somewhere to go for free.”
Jessica Turner, a sophomore communications disorder major, has seen a couple of movies with the Movie Series program.
“It’s always fun bringing friends to the movies,” Turner said, “They always have good movie choices. It’s a good idea; we should have more free movies.”
UAO hosts numerous other activities similar to Movie Night.
“We usually host a concert event and a comedy show. Last year we got ‘Fluffy’ [Gabriel Iglesias] to come here,” Davis said. “We also host a bus trip to Cedar Point and to Chicago every year.”
For a full list of all upcoming UAO events you can visit