On Sunday, Aug. 31, B.o.B hosted a concert at the Stroh Center that opened up with Nico and Vinz.
Students, such as sophomore Bryce Dotson, were filled with excitement during the concert.
“The concert was great because the music was hype and everything, especially the DJ, was amazing,” said Dotson.
Freshman Tamara Smith added, “They kept the crowd active and hype.”
Freshman Kelsee Lothes and freshman Megan Taylor said the concert went very well and was outstanding.
The students not only said that the concert was outstanding but also had a lot of energy.
“It was really good and had lots of energy,” said freshman Ibraheem Basree.
The one thing that most students agreed on was that the dance competition was one of their favorite things when Nico and Vinz was on the stage.
“My favorite with Nico and Vinz on stage is when they were having their dance competition and how through that we saw more of their personality. Also I thought it was cool how they went to their African roots during the dance competition,” said Dotson.
Not only did they show their African roots, but they also showed the students a different style of dance.
“The dance battle was a fun way to get the crowd into the next song. It was also nice to see different types of dancing that other cultures do,” said Smith.
Lothes, Taylor and Basree said that they liked the last song and the dance competition.
Students enjoyed the energy B.o.B brought when he came to the stage.
“I like how … B.o.B stood on the fence and was singing in my face. It was awesome,” Lothes said.
One of Dotson’s favorite parts of B.o.B’s performance was when we went crowd surfing in the mosh pit.
“The best part of the concert was at the end when the crowd was yelling and wishing for one more song and B.o.B came back out and performed airplanes which coincidently is about wishing,” said Dotson.
Both Basree and Smith didn’t have a favorite part because they liked how he entertained the crowd.
“The best part was when B.o.B took my phone and recorded part of the concert,” said Taylor.
Some students’ favorite songs during the event were by B.o.B. Both Smith and Lothes liked the song Strange Clouds by B.o.B.
“I liked the song So Good by B.o.B because that is when he made eye contact with me and also it’s a really good song,” said Taylor.