Opening Weekend is one of the biggest events to help get the first-year students acclimated to the BGSU campus.
To start off Opening Weekend, first-year students get to move in early and spend some time on campus before upperclassmen return for the year. During this weekend, new students get to meet other new students, as well as some faculty and staff.
Students also get to learn all about campus culture, campus life, the services BGSU offers to students and much more. Opening Weekend can be a very important process for the first-years to participate in, as it can help first-years to get more adjusted to campus.
It is also a way for the first years to find their way around campus and to meet new people, as well as the people in their residence hall.
Jodi Webb, the Dean of Students, said in an email interview, “Opening Weekend is designed to help students start out at BGSU in a positive, upbeat fashion. Activities are developed to help students become better engaged in the academic experience, as well as focus on life outside of the classroom.”
There are many activities and events that take place for the first-years during opening weekend such as the welcome skate, broomball and the Opening Weekend kick off, as well as sessions that first-years must attend.
In addition, the blockbuster hit Pitch Perfect was shown, activities were held in the residence halls and Hypnotist Dale K performed.
The events that are held during Opening Weekend are chosen and coordinated by an Opening Weekend Committee, said Webb.
Opening Weekend can be a very important weekend for the first years. This weekend and the events that are held have many benefits for students that attend, Webb said.
Some of these benefits, Webb explained, are “opportunities for discussions and activities that assist with the transition to college life and foster a desire for academic success, the introduction of Bowling Green State University campus culture and tradition, build upon relationships established during SOAR and have the opportunity to further develop relationships with faculty, staff, and other new students, learn how to effectively use campus resources and services.”
She also said that one of the benefits of opening weekend is that it introduces “in-class and out-of-class involvement opportunities.”
While the weekend is jam packed with many activities, the benefits for new students can be huge.