At Monday’s Undergraduate Student Government meeting, USG voted not to support the Safe Campus Act and discussed initiatives for next semester.
USG voted not to support the Safe Campus Act and a resolution stating the opinions of the group, written by Paige Reinhart-Anez, was presented to the group.
“The reason I choose to write the resolution was just that the act in itself is not very victim- or survivor- centered and it sort of discredits the university conduct system, as well as the progress that we have made so far with the conduct system and the accommodations that we can give victims or survivors when they are assaulted, if they don’t want to go to the police force,” said Reinhart-Anez.
The Safe Campus Act would prevent colleges from taking disciplanary action against sexual assualt on their campuses unless the victim filed a police report.
The members of USG voted on the resolution and agreed that it represented the lack of support the group had for the act.
Student athletics and faculty involvement were also discussed at the meeting.
President Mazey and her president advisory committee wanted to take a closer look at student athletics, more specifically, how to get faculty more involved, said Victor Senn, USG president.
Senn said that the committee wanted to get faculty more involved with student athletes to make sure that they were staying successful as students by getting good grades and doing well in their majors.
In light of the topic of academics, the academic honesty policy discussed at the meeting as well.
Danielle Parker, vice president of USG, said that the goal is to find someone who can serve as an advocate for students and to be someone who can answer questions and provide support to students going through academic honesty cases.
Parker said that something that will be worked on through out the year.
Possible new initiatives for next semester were also discussed amongst the group.
Senn said that the cabinet will be given two or three things to work on and that USG will support any senators who bring ideas of projects and initiatives to work on.
One initiative that will be continued will be the Adopt A Block initiative where members of the Bowling Green community can pick a block in the city to help maintain, Parker said.
Something else that USG might possibly work on next semester is an active shooter video, a new safety initiative to help students know how to act if a shooting were to happen on campus.