The Pulse checks out Patrick Kirain Mahood’s vitals this week. Mahood is a member and webmaster of Theta Alpha Phi, the Plastic Shatners, and Treehouse Troupe. He participates in the annual Improv-a-Thon, as a charity event for Theta Alpha Phi.
Name: Patrick (Pat) Kirain Mahood
Age: 21
Hometown: Perrysburg, Ohio
Major: Technology Education
How long have you been interested in acting? Over the course of 15 years, I have performed in miscellaneous shows, helped with tech work and acting classes.
Do you remember your first time on stage? It was the sixth grade choir concert of “The Nutcracker”. I was the Rat King. It was basically me sword fighting with another kid on stage.
Do you have any problems with stage fright? I don’t let stage fright bother me when I improv. John Hildebrand, co-director of the Plastic Shatners told me the greatest advice on this. He said to just turn your brain off and let your mouth run.
How often do you practice? Rehearsals are twice a week. They help us get familiar with all the teammates and the games.
What’s your favorite improv game? “Line, Please” is a game where we are given a line on a piece of paper and have to back up some ridiculous statement. I like it because of it is unpredictable.
You seem to really enjoy acting, why didn’t you become a theatre major? It was a tough decision between technology and theatre, but I felt that Technology would allow for a better way to support myself.
Do you have a role model? Yes. Ryan Zarecki and John Hildebrand are my big and God-big. I’ve only known them for a year and a half, but I admire the way they deal with things and how they encourage people.
Describe yourself in one word. Scrumtrillescent.
Please define scrumtrillescent? It’s a made up word from SNL but it’s fitting.
Tell me about some of your other hobbies, besides acting. I do sword combat, play video games and I’m a ninja (Shhh! Don’t tell).
Do you have a theme song? That’s a really good question. I’m going to go with “Brand New Colony” by the Postal Service.