BG News will be introducing you to the Morale Captains in following issues. Check in each week to meet a new member of the ZiggyThon team!
Jackalyn Siebenaler
What inspired you to become a Morale Captain?
I participated in Dance Marathon last year and I fell in love with the organization and everything that they do. During the event I was able to meet a lot of the Miracle Children and their families. This was so meaningful to me. I knew that being a Morale Captain, you would have more of an opportunity to meet the children and their families, and that is what I wanted.
What goals do you have for ZiggyThon?
I set a goal this year of raising $1,600. I want to raise as much as I can this year because it goes to such a deserving organization. Mainly, I just want to meet as many people as possible and share the message of Dance Marathon and what it means to me. I hope to get others involved and wanting to be part of it as well.
What are you most excited about for this year’s Dance Marathon program?
The whole event! I am very excited for the moment that the Miracle Children run in and the 24 hours of excitement begins!