What inspired you to become a Morale Captain?
I was inspired to apply to become a Morale Captain by all of the past Morale Captains. I remember at my first ZiggyThon, I saw these people on stage dancing and encouraging me and the rest of the participants to get out of our comfort zones. I wanted to leave that impact on other participants. Since then, I have participated in Bike for Tikes twice and am returning to ZiggyThon this year as a Morale Captain. Each year that I participated I fell more and more in love with the kids and Dance Marathon as a whole. This year, therefore I wanted to be a Morale Captain and be more hands on when it came to making so many more miracles happen in 2018.
What goals do you have for
A personal goal of mine is to be very interactive with my color team this year. I would like for my color co-captain and me to get to know each and every member that is on our color team in order to provide better support to them throughout ZiggyThon. In addition, I am wanting and trying my best to recruit as many participants as possible this year! The more the merrier, right?
What are you most excited about for this year’s Dance Marathon program?
I’m excited to be able to support not just an entire color team of dancers but every participant at this years event. And of course, I’m excited to see just how many miracles we, as a community, can make this year!