Students weigh in on cyberbullying concerns

Jonathan Angell, Reporter

Cyberbullying is an ever-increasing problem with young adults, according to an article from ABC News. 

At Bowling Green State University, some feel as if cyberbullying is encountered daily by many who face uncertainties and distress in their lives.  

Students say that balancing a healthy school and personal life can sometimes be challenging. When considering this, experts say cyberbullying can be a reason students struggle with education.  

For some BGSU students such as Haley Porter, bullying hurt her academic performance and affected her mental health.  

“The most experience I have had with (cyberbullying) was being in group chats where I was spoken down to and picked on,” said Porter. “I very much believe that a large part of me struggling so badly was because I was so depressed as a result of the bullying.” 

While Porter experienced cyberbullying for a long period of time, other students such as Logan Revier have not experienced it. Instead, he spoke out about the importance of recognizing how it affects education. 

“I believe that cyberbullying is correlated to students’ academic success,” Revier said. “[Cyberbullying] is a vicious cycle that repeats itself.” 

Experts say the impacts of cyberbullying on students can also affect professors across campus. 

Drop-in grades and minimal communications are a few of the issues they encounter. For Industrial Organizational Psychology Professor Michael Zickar, he has seen the effects of cyberbullying in the classroom.  

“It has an emotional component to it,” Zickar said. “It’s about making someone feel less worthy.” 

Zackar’s line of work involves studying the effects of hiring and training well-rounded employees to add to a stable and efficient workplace. He says this same principle can be applied to the classroom, where happier students will produce a better learning environment.   

As a result of his studies, Zackar has a decent understanding of the psychology of a bully’s mind. 

“There would be what we call negative affectivity,” Zackar said. “Pessimistic is a good word to describe that term.”

Zackar says bullies thrive on belittling and putting others down. They could be struggling with their own personal issues, or they could enjoy doing it.  

Regardless of why people choose to bully, BGSU offers students resources out there to support them. The BGSU Counseling Center supports and encourages students to reach out if they are being cyberbullied or harassed in any way.  

Furthermore, students can contact the National Association of People Against Bullying (NAPAB). This anti-bullying organization is a national organization aimed at dissolving the rates of bullying experienced by everyone.  

Knowing the correct actions to take when experiencing cyberbullying can help prevent it on campus.  

“Take pride and comfort in knowing you would never treat someone that way or make them feel the way you did,” said Porter.