USG passes three new senate resolutions

This makes six total resolutions passed during the 2022-2023 administration

Garrett Graybill, Reporter

The Undergraduate Student Government voted on and passed three new senate resolutions during the last meeting for the current administration on Monday, March 27.

The first resolution to pass announced, “the Undergraduate Student Government supports increased safety measures on Thurstin Street between Lot E and Lot 7D, possible forms of crosswalks, signage or other appropriate tools in an accessible manner.”

A joint study was carried out by BGSU and the City of Bowling Green finding that the location between the two lots has a high volume of pedestrian activity despite not having a crosswalk. In addition, more than 500 students have signed a petition for a crosswalk in this area. 

The second resolution to pass stated, “the Undergraduate Student Government of Bowling Green State University formally supports the expansion of menstrual product access in restrooms.”

The details of the resolution emphasized the importance of the availability of these products with regard to health, university functions and rising costs of goods. 

Currently, Kent State, Michigan State, University of Michigan – Flint, University of Cincinnati, Youngstown State University, Ball State University and Northern Illinois University all have systems in place for menstrual products to be available in restrooms around their campuses. 

The final resolution to pass read, “A resolution in favor of the proposal that the Bowling Green State University faculty consider implementing library instruction for information literacy in introductory courses.”

The resolution brought attention to the fact that college students are expected to develop research skills throughout their careers and that these skills improve when students are given “information literacy and training.”

Information literacy is the ability to know when information is needed, along with how to retrieve and use that information in a way that meets assignment objectives and stays in accordance with academic policies.

The three resolutions passed on Monday marks a total of six passed for the 2022-2023 administration.