BGSU was voted one of the safest college towns in America, according to a study conducted by
In a list of the 50 safest college towns in the U.S. based on 2019 FBI data statistics, Bowling Green was ranked 33rd.
In addition, Bowling Green was also ranked the second safest college town in the state of Ohio.
The data from the study was based on factors ranging from FBI crime statistics, community outreach and security practices to safety measures used in college towns.
BGSU’s Director of Public Safety and Chief of BGSU Police, Chief Mike Campbell attributed part of the campus’ safety successes to the relationships BGSU police have created with the community.
“A strong focus on partnerships with the learning and greater community help to provide quality police services, reduce the fear of crime and promote joint problem solving to ensure a safe, secure and orderly campus and a positive learning environment,” he said.
In 2019 and 2020, the data showed that on average, violent crimes amongst the safest college towns ranged at 0.9 incidents per 1000 people.
BGSU’s is lower, with a violent crime rate of 0.7 and a property crime rate of 12.1.
Though the data focuses specifically on the city, Campbell explained that BGSU police always strive to protect the community.
“I would note that the BGSU Police Department continues to look for ways to enhance campus safety through various initiatives that promote and maintain a safe environment at Bowling Green State University.”