My relationship with the Higher Power is my own. It is complex and has had its ups and downs.
While I am a Christian, I believe that people of all faiths and beliefs have a reward if they live in a righteous way.
This confounds many who are close to me and I can see why that is the case. My beliefs do not fit into any dogmatic box easily.
While my beliefs are a mix of many religions and philosophies, my belief in what’s right and wrong is fairly consistent.
I believe that bigotry and hatred are inexcusable.
I also believe that bigots do not deserve an audience to spew their hate. I believe that bigotry cloaked in religion is one of the worst sins one can commit on this earth.
This kind of repugnant hatred reared its head in the form of the patriarch of the “Duck Dynasty” clan, Phil Robertson. This reality television star is quick with the Gospel on his show.
This overt religiosity, along with Walmart‘s help, has helped the family make a fortune. As with many who make a show of their faith, though, darkness lies beneath.
Robertson recently revealed in an interview with GQ magazine his hatred of the LGBT community and a complete disregard for Civil Rights.
Yes, old Phil seems to yearn for a time when “black folk” knew their place and when gays were driven into the shadows of society. On top of this antipathy towards these two groups, Robertson advocated marrying underage girls so a man can mold her into what men want them to be. I guess one can add misogyny to Robertson’s perverted philosophies.
As a human, I am appalled at the popularity of this unrepentant hate monger. He and his kind need to go away now.
As a person who believes if there is a Heaven then there is a Hell, Robertson, and those who think like him, are going to be surprised when they end up in a warmer climate then they envisioned.
The A&E network should have their broadcasting license removed for not firing this tool of hatred immediately.
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