Video, card and board games are a perfect way to have fun with others or to pass the time between classes. Certain games have repetitive rules and others require several pages of information to understand. Typically, the games with complex assembly cost more for the consumer. But as a college student, there are handy games to pass the time in between classes that are under $20 to play with others or alone.
Solitaire is accessible on a computer, phone or simply through playing cards. This game is for a single-player and holds a challenge of color correlation and matching skills. It’s a time-consuming game that can end up taking a long time to finish. Most solitaire apps are free, and the cost of playing cards can range from $3 to $12 on Amazon.
‘Star Wars: The Old Republic’
“Star Wars: The Old Republic” is an online, open-world game, free for anyone with a PC to play. Any free-to-play player can access and finish any class arc, which would level a character up to level 50, which allows hours worth of gameplay. After level 50, the rest of the gameplay requires a subscription, but the more they extend the universe and add-on more content, the more they increase the level-cap and open more quests for free-to-play players. As this is an open-world game, it can be played alone or with others. Much like the Star Wars universe, there is an option to choose to be on the light or dark side and possibly wield a lightsaber.
‘Atlas Lunch Money’
This two to four player game follows scenarios to “bring merciless playground brawls and stolen lunch money to your gaming table,” according to the Atlas Games website. As the objective is to collect the most lunch money without having consequences, the game tends to last around 20 minutes per game. As there are expansions to purchase to increase the game play, the base cost of the game is $19.95 on Amazon.
‘The Last Of Us: Remastered’
“The Last Of Us: Remastered” is currently $19.99 on PlayStation’s website for the PlayStation 4. The game is centered around an end of the world scenario, where the player must defeat enemies and creatures to survive. As this game was released in 2013, it received popularity upon its initial release and is adapting another game coming soon. While the game is heavily focused on single-player, there is a multiplayer option that allows up to eight players. Lastly, this video game is being adapted into an HBO show. Overall, it’s better to be acquainted with the game before the show is released to prove you are a super fan.
As these games are under $20 and differ in devices, player minimum and rules are great ways to have fun with friends or solo. Games are an easy way to stay occupied and there are several ones, not only from this list, that are worth every penny.