Everyone has a dream.
Every human has something that they wish would happen, an aspiration to something so much greater than themselves.
And with the philosophy of “follow your dreams, believe in yourself” that the Disney movies and children’s shows we watched fed us, being the generation that we are, we have confidence in this thinking.
There are so many big dreams, in a world that takes such small steps generally. It’s the thinking that the power to succeed lies within in us, that I think ironically inhibits us.
Having a dream is not enough. Believing that you can do it is not enough, though I think both of these are a piece of the formula for making dreams come true.
Often times I think selfishness and laziness cripples us from doing the things we want.
The problem with the idea that all you need to do is believe in yourself, is when the mindset of “I deserve this” comes into play.
This results in the expectation of ease and immediate outcomes. Little work should be required if I’m as great as the deemed “inspirational” movies told me that I am.
However, even the most talented people still need to work hard.
Hard work has had such a huge emphasis in America.
I see it slowly drifting away as self-initiative gets replaced with self- entitlement.
The truth is, no one really deserves anything. These things we aspire to have or become should not be granted to us because we want them.
Sitting around and wanting something is not a good reason for it to happen, rather it is simply a good intention.
And although good intentions seem admirable, they essentially just result in dead ends because they never really begin.
Hard work is unpopular because, in the moment, it does not feel pleasurable.
Working hard for something does not yield immediate results, which makes it easy to give up.
Still, the best things in life take the longest to happen and dreams are no exception.
Dreams do come true, but a willingness to invest, be diligent and a realization that difficulty is not a sign to give up are necessary for the things we wish for to happen.
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