I work a part-time job for a bunch of reasons.
Part of the reason is to make money to pay for my bills. The other reason is to work around how socially awkward I am when it comes to interacting with strangers.
People who know me know I can be outgoing. But when I have to interact with strangers I usually become tongue tied and too awkward to speak.
But by working in food service and in a convenience store, I’ve learned how to keep myself from backing myself into a corner where all I can do is laugh while with a customer.
While it still happens, I’m more graceful about it. I’m also better at starting conversations with people as I see them walk in or are looking around the store.
I also feel a bit more comfortable walking up to people in places like the Union and starting a conversation with if I have to find people to talk to.
Being able to talk to people is a life skill people need to have. For some, talking to a stranger is like talking to their best friend — easy and simple. I kind of envy those people, but I am becoming better and more confident when talking to people who I don’t know.
And by working part-time, I’m forcing myself into these situations outside of my comfort zone with a good purpose — the more I work, the better I am talking to people. The more I work, I also get paid for what I’m doing.
While other reasons exist for why I find myself working 16 to 17 hours [or even more] hours a week, one of the biggest reasons is to become a better people-person.
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