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Independent student content

BG Falcon Media

Independent student content

BG Falcon Media

Falcon Screech: “Man, that really groups my project”

April 28, 2013

The computers in the Business Building that take 10 minutes or more to log on. -Ain’t nobody got time for that I think they should start taking your height down when you buy a concert ticket. Being...

Falcon Screech: “Man, that really eggs my car”

February 24, 2013

If you think it is acceptable to throw eggs from a moving vehicle, then I would have you tied to a post so the general public can return the favor. Afterward, there will be a luncheon held in honor of...

Falcon Screech: Man, that really Yos my Lo

February 10, 2013

How much time do BG administrators, students and professors waste each day logging into campus computers? The five minutes or so it takes to log on is absolutely ridiculous. I don’t know why it takes...

Falcon Screech: “Man, that really pays my cover charge”

February 4, 2013

Why do people always think they can just ignore calls after they text you? It’s seriously the most annoying thing in the world. If you can text, you can talk! -PICK UP Watching the Super Bowl on...

Falcon Screech

November 25, 2012

I despise fans of teams who bandwagon. Why would you cheer for a school that you do not attend, let alone a team from a state/city you don’t live near? We have great teams here at the University....

Falcon Screech

November 19, 2012

This is a big thank you to all the people out there who are great significant others. Your faithfulness has given me faith in relationships. I used to think love was for fools and that every girl was a...

Falcon Screech

November 18, 2012

How are you gonna run an offer for a free hot dog, then tell us you can’t honor it because you ran out of hot dogs? I want my hot dog! — #FUN ON A BUN It was pretty sweet how Bowling Green...

Falcon Screech

November 12, 2012

The Dial only served fried chicken all weekend. — #FRIED I’m glad to see that I failed my paper seeing that I was never given a freaking rubric for it. How can a professor possibly think we...

Falcon Screech

November 5, 2012

I don’t think the University cares about commuters. Use all that money from parking tickets to buy a clue and a parking deck. — #ROAD RAGE Thanksgiving break is soon. No, class is not cancelled....

Falcon Screech

October 21, 2012

When professors reschedule a makeup exam THREE times and still don’t make it to the third attempt. — #COLLEGE TRY This three-hour class pisses me off. — #WANNA GO HOME It truly upsets...

Falcon Screech

October 14, 2012

It pisses me off when Republicans and Democrats both think they won the debates. Truth is, America lost. — #DEATH BY DEBATES I have never been more disgusted to call myself a BGSU student. Hockey...

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